My Pick of the Best Outdoor Rugs


Outdoor rugs, well who knew a few years back that they’d be such a thing? With the huge trend these days for outdoor living and the increased usage of our outdoor spaces. Rugs that you can use outdoors (and that you can leave out when it rains!) Are hugely popular and there’s an ever increasing selection of them to be found online and on the high street. 

Most of them are made from woven polyurethane meaning that they are water proof and can be literally hosed down when they get dirty. They won’t rot and can be left out all year round making them fuss free and a great way to add texture, colour and pattern to your outdoor space.

There are even an increasing amount of rugs (and outdoor cushions) made from recycled plastic, making those a great eco friendly choice.

So here’s my selection of some of my favourites. I’ve included a mixture of bargain ones and more investment pieces, a selection of shapes and one jute option which isn’t water resistant but I personally love bringing out jute rugs into my garden when it’s dry as they offer a lovely boho touch to your outdoor space.

Now lets hope the weather is kind to us this year so we can get out and enjoy our gardens!

Theresa x

  1. Cosumel Ditsy Indoor/outdoor rug. Dunelm from £70

  2. Reversible round terrazzo rug red/beige. Benuta £38.95

  3. Homemaker black and white leaf outdoor rug. George at Asda £20

  4. Coral Iris rug. Weaver Green from £138

  5. PET Manoush rug made from recyled plastic. Liv Interiors from £99

  6. Madotto outdoor rug. La Redoute from £115.50

  7. Solana Dot Jute rug. Rug Vista £168

  8. Beige Jill Zarin outdoor rug. from £99

  9. Trudy Green outdoor rug. Wayfair from £25.99

  10. Draeger Botanical design rug. Wayfair from £32.99

  11. Outdoor Botanical rug. From £99

  12. Black Element Chevron circle rug. George at Asda £25